2 Year Anniversary Part 2: Length Check

Hello my lovelies,

Since today is Monday, my hair has already been washed for the week and styled already. Unfortunately, I didn’t sleep in my normal room and so didn’t use a silk scarf before bed to maintain the style. I did, however use a satin nightie on my head at night to preserve moisture but it left my hair very frizzy after humidity already left my hair looking very frizzy. It is very soft and moisturised though (olive oil baby!) so i’m not actually that bothered. Here’s my kind of defined frizzy ‘fro:

Side View
Side View
Back view
Back view
Front View
Front View

Beautiful isn’t it? hhahahahah. Well without further ado i present to you my first ever proper length check. I don’t think length checks are all that serious so I will not be using a length check T-shirt or a tape measure. I’m just going to measure it against my body for the time being, hopefully i’ll keep wearing the same clothes in any future length checks so we can really see how much it’s grown. I don’t think my hair grows particularly fast. I dyed my hair blonde in June last year, and looking at the dyed part its grown about 4 inches since then, meaning my growth rate is about 2/5 of an inch a month instead of 1/2, it’s not that much of a difference but it adds up.

Right side at the back
Right side at the back
Left side at the back
Left side at the back
Mid left side
Mid left side
Mid right
Mid right
Front at the top
Front at the top
About 1 1/2 inches above my bra strap.
About 1 1/2 inches above my bra strap.

There you have it, my side hair and back hair seem to be just about the same length (my middle hair has always been longer). And I think my left side is slightly longer than my right. Hopefully at the rate its growing next year i’ll have some thick, mid back length hair :D. Thanks for reading!



2 Year Natural Anniversary Part 1: Photos

Happy Anniversary!!

To my hair….LOL. Today marks two years of fully natural hair, no relaxed or heat damaged ends. Just thick, kinky and healthy curls! The journey has not been easy, there have been so many times that I felt like giving up. So many failed products, failed hairstyles, money spent on tools I could have done without. I’m just glad i’ve lasted this long, and have even converted people over to the natural side (or at least given a helpful nudge). Special shout outs to Wendy, Henrietta, Missy, Ivy and all other people who have joined me on this journey (I cut Missy and Henrietta’s hair myself).

Since I didn’t do a one year anniversary post, i’ll show pictures from my BC till now just so you can see the difference in hair length.

Relaxed days:

Me and my fringe were tight (straightened to death)
Me and my fringe were tight (straightened to death)

My hairline used to be full *sobs*
My hairline used to be full *sobs*


The BC that changed it all!
The BC that changed it all!

April 2012-July 2012:

2 weeks post
2 weeks post

Continue reading

The Salon Visit From Hell

I came back to Nigeria primarily to serve in the NYSC program which is compulsory for everyone who was under 30 at point of graduation. The first element of service is a 3 week long youth camp, which is the camp of the state that you are posted in. I like many other foreign graduates, found myself in Lagos :D. Because it’s an army style barracks there are only basic necessary amenities, meaning, I needed to get my hair did.

Unfortunately, that meant a trip to the salon since I was short on time and didn’t really have a trusted stylist around my area. And so it began. I freshly washed and sectioned my hair in the morning and wrapped a scarf around to make it look presentable for my other activities. Then I made my way to the salon.

The first thing the lady did was undo all the sections and try to start combing it dry. I had to look at her to make sure she understood that that doesn’t fly with my kinky hair. So I got her to put in some of my Giovanni Direct Leave-In before de-tangling with a ‘wide tooth comb’. The comb wasn’t so much a wide tooth comb as a huge comb that still managed to be quite small. She was gentle though, and it only hurt little bit, but she didn’t de-tangle fully, she said it wasn’t necessary. Continue reading

Oh Curl Challenge Day 9: Fierce Bun

Now the picture i’m about to show you is of a bun, it’s not necessarily fierce, but I love it because it’s probably the first bun picture i’ve taken with my hair. I have no idea why because my hair’s been bun-able for a while. In the pictures, my hair is in twists because I hardly ever leave my hair just out. I still haven’t washed it after taking down the twists from hell, maybe i’m still traumatised from the whole experience.

Not very clear, but you can see where my colour is growing out.
Not very clear, but you can see where my colour is growing out.
High bun
High bun

I apologise for the bad quality of the pictures, but i don’t have my trust camera with me at the moment, so these will have to do.



I’m Back

Hello my lovelies,

This is me just checking in on you with a short post to tell you that i’m back from NYSC camp. For all those who don’t know what that is, don’t worry i’ll be explaining everything in a post coming up later this week. EVERYONE who is eligible should go for NYSC, especially the camp part (it’s definitely the most fun part).

I currently have some big kinky twists done by a hairdresser in Lekki, near my house and i’ll be posting on how i’m never going to a hairdresser again if I can help it (yes it was really that bad). And my natural hair anniversary is coming up on April 12th so I may do my first ever length check post soon.

All in all, expect quite a few more than usual posts from me so tune in frequently!
